Saturday 23 June 2012

entry merepek >>>aku pelik..dont read

da lame jari aku tak berjoget-joget atas keyboard ni..hari ni nak luahkan perasaan sat..berapa hari lepas lagi aku terfikir-fikir..ntah la, dalam minggu ni fikiran aku merawang..macam-macam aku fikir sampai saraf-saraf kranial aku macam da haywire...hahaha.. satu hal..aku tak la nak percaya sgt mimpi..tapi mimpi ni macam real and buatkan aku rase terancam, takut dll..kes tgk cite kdrama byk sgt kot..hisdustan gak ni..pengaruh movie..aishhh..nak cite pun malu..dalam mimpi tu i met someone that i hated..really hateful and he was a playful vain..but somehow i felt secured with him..start from that weird dream, aku mula fikir benda-benda yang totally mengarut..i have the reason..aku ada pengalaman buruk sgt dengan boys time aku form3..time tu aku anti betul laki..they tease me  and kill me to death with no reason..if they have one, they should tell me but they didnt..and i hate the guys with that hell manners, aku tkut kalau aku suka laki yang memang aku benci..and leave the loved guy..malu la nak tulis entry ni..biarlah tersangkut smpai sini..aku tak tau nak describe perasaan aku..

MARRIAGE..fews of my friends have been married..da pregnant pun..due date on labor masing-masing...and aku sgt-sgt dengki...i want kids too... aku da mula nak meraban pulak..

just bye..aku segan..kekekekeke..

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